10 reasons why you should hire an accountant for your startup

It is a common practice among startup owners to handle all the accounting stuff by themselves. Someone of them is pretty quick learners and can deal with finance. On the contrary, many of them are complete newbies to the field of finance. Startups grow at a very high pace and if the accounts of the initial days are not in place, the entire structure of the business finance gets disrupted.

While bookkeeping, there are a lot of transactions that are dealt with uniquely. These are known as adjustments. The business owners are mostly unaware of this and tend to make mistakes here. On top of this, there are several other areas where small businesses tend to make mistakes. Let’s discuss these so that being an accountant, you can help the small businesses avoid them or be from a small business, and you can avoid making them.

Startup Accountants

10 reasons why you should hire an accountant for your startup

  1. The startup needs the owner’s time

The startup owner already has a lot on his plate to manage. Accounts is a wholesome task and require a lot of detail orientation and time. If the business owner is occupied with accounts and other financial task he won’t be able to focus on the growth and development of the business. Therefore,  accounts can be handed over to avoid the accountant so that the business owners take some time to focus on other crucial aspects of the business.

  • They manage all your accounts

If your startup has multiple business accounts, the accountant compiles them all and brings out a combined statement to give the actual financial picture of the firm. On top of this, it becomes very overwhelming to manage all the accounts.

  • They provide real-time consultation

Sometimes you need instant financial advice according to the latest guidelines issued by the government, and you don’t have time to study or research by yourself. You can look up to your accountant and auditor in such emergency situations.

  • They have broad exposure to the market

With their experience, knowledge and contacts accountants have a wider approach to the market and they are updated with the latest policies.

  • You can look up to them for advice

You have a finance buddy and you can ask them for advice whenever you need it. And,  they would give you the best advice for the rapid growth and development of the firm.

  • They follow tax laws

An accountant is updated with all the tax policies and makes sure that they reduce your tax liability. They help you in claiming deductions to save your money.

  • They even deal with working capital

Not only to the book of records or taxes, but an accountant also has a well-versed knowledge of working capital as well. They help you in managing your working capital also.

  • They help in claiming schemes

There are numerous schemes initiated by the government to support startups and improve research and development. An accountant helps in applying to those and makes sure that you can get any of the schemes to reduce the financial burden of the startup.

  • Better financial health

They try their best to reduce the extra penalties and interest paid by the startup. This eventually lead to a better financial help for the company. They even implement a few methods to improve the company’s cash flow forecast for better financial regulation.

  1. Improved future perspectives

The company has a better future as the accountant informs about the major changes that can happen in the near future in terms of finance. This gives some preparatory buffer to the startup owner and other employees.

Startup Accountants

Summing Up

Now, you are already clear that an accountant can help you save money in many ways. If you are looking for an accountant with deep expertise, you can reach out to us . We cater to all your financial needs, including tax savings, tax preparation, bookkeeping, loan repayment, loan sanctioning and so on. Message us now to get a quote.